9:00 AM Small Groups | 10:15 AM Worship AT THE RIDGE CHURCH WE.... GATHER: We gather together weekly to worship Jesus Christ.GROW: We grow in Christ by doing life together through small groups.GIVE: We give of ourselves by living generously and serving others with the love of Christ.GO: We go and make disciples by sharing the gospel and inviting others to follow Christ. OUR MISSIONTo lead non-believers into being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. OUR PURPOSETo Worship GodTo Reach Non BelieversTo Teach BelieversTo Minister To Those In NeedTo Fellowship Together Romans 15:7Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. ESV LOCATION7350 Old Hwy 13Carbondale, IL 62901 OFFICE HOURSMonday – Thursday8:30 am – 12:30 pm CONTACT US618-457-0497RidgeChurch@OnTheRidge.org